
Our 11th Anniversary

On August 7th, we celebrated our 11th Anniversary.
I can't believe it has been that long.
Time really does go by fast.
We really did not do much this year. My mom came to watch the kids. Lynn was not suppose to be on call for that weekend, and we were going to go stay the night in a hotel some where near, and maybe go hiking and a fancy dinner (well not too fancy) but none of that happened.
Lynn ended up being on call because the guy who said he would do it backed out.
Since we couldn't go hiking or leave town and due to no money and trying to get a house, we thought we would spend the day looking at houses. Well at 11 am Lynn got a call at the shop adn had to take care of it. So I got to sit in the car for 3 hours at the shop. Thank goodness I had a book with me. I almost finished it, too. (Thanks for the read,Jackie) So we ate a really late lunch and headed back out to see more homes. We saw 20!!! We had dinner at the Cheesecake Factory but niether of us were really hungry and by then we were too tired to care. It was actually kind of a bummer day.
Regardless of what happen on our Anniversary, I Love Lynn more today than the day I married him. He is such an excellent father and husband. I am so grateful that he has a job that he loves and that he works hard to provide for us so that I can stay home with the kids. Getting a house is another step in our marriage that we are so thrilled about!! I am excited for what the future brings for us!!


My August Lesson

My time to give another lesson in Young Women had arrived. Again I was very nervous. It was on Exaltation. I am quit proud of my Plan of Salvation that I made using my scrapbooking supplies. I had also just recieved our family pictures and displayed them, since to me, Exaltation is getting to spend eternity with them. I think I did better on the lesson I did in March, but I am glad to have the experience.

Tommy Loves Cheetoes

Enough said!

4th of July 2010

It was a fun 4th of July here. Most of my family was together. Dan and Ree had just moved to Utah, my mom was visiting, Mindy, Russ and the kids were here, Erline lives here and Kirk and his family were here but decided not to join us for fireworks. So, just Steven and his family were not here. 4th of July was actually celebrated on Saturday the 3rd and it was so fun to be around everyone!!

Tommy wearing Charlees headband.


Tommy's Teeth

Tommy got his two bottom teeth in June.
They actually came in around Char's Birthday.

6 months old.

Cousins Near

Charlee has loved having her cousin, Ireland, near.
We went over one day for the girls to swim.

This was also Tommy's first time in a little pool.

It was a fun day!

Tommy @ 6 Months

Tommy likes to "eat" the sink faucet when he takes his bath.
I know, gross.It is cute, though.

Had to make him a little more modest for picture.

He is so much fun!!!!!

Heber Valley Railroad

In June, Lynns parents took us to the Heber Valley Railroad, where we got to ride a train there. It was an hour and a half round trip ride. Not to bad. It was fun. Charlee was not too fond of the trains whistle but she thought it was pretty neat.Charlee and Grandpa Brown
It was really windy.

Tommy in his Engineer hat. Ok, it was a little too big, but I am confident that his noggin will grow into it.

Tommy was pooped!

This was a cloud we saw. Charlee said it looked like a dog bone.
By darn, it does look like a dog bone.

Charlee Turns 4!

The most important event that happened in June was my baby's Birthday!
Charlee turned 4. What a crazy, smart girl she is at that!!
Charlee has the best memory. She will bring up things that happened when she was 2, or remember what we did at certain places. It is just amazing. She is also very smart. She has known her colors and shapes since she was 2 and at 2 and a half knew the alphabet song and knew the uppercase letters (in order and randomly) So now she knows the lowercase letters and we have been working on the sounds. She knows a lot of them already. She is also starting to write. She can copy all of the letters and knows how to write some from memory. She can write her name too. She also knows her numbers 1-20 (we are still kind of working on the teens). We are also working on math. She gets the concept of adding and subtraction and can do really simple addition and subtraction. She loves to draw and do crafts. She also has an awesome imagination. She loves Tommy and is such a big help to me and Lynn. I will be teaching her this year to get her even more ready for Kindergarten. The goal is to have her writing more and reading before she starts school. I totally think she will pick it up very fast. She has with everything else.

She is such a special little spirit and I love her so much. I look forward to her growing up even more!! (But I miss my baby!!)



I pray that this one sticks. I am in my 7th week.
That is already farther than the last one.
I go to the doctor on August 31st.
I am just so scared that this will end up in misscarriage.
I already love this baby so much!!!


Trip To Cemetery

While in Poky, I wanted to go see my Dad. So we made a trip to the Cemetery.
I really miss my dad.
Ireland got mad and went off to sulk.

My babies. Tommy was a little out of sorts this day.
He did not enjoy the ride.

Little man, almost 5 months old.

Trip To Poky

Lynn went on a fishing trip with a friend in May. I didn't want to stay home alone with the kids, so we took a road trip to Pocatello to see Dan and Ree. Charlee and Ireland were playing and when I went to check on them this is what they were doing: Ireland was pretending to change a diaper on Charlee. It was quit cute.

They have so much fun together.

Temple Field Trip

In May, my friend Paige invited us to go walk around the Jordan River Temple.
It was a nice break for us to get out. Charlee had a lot of fun and still talks about that trip.Charlee and Miriam

Miriam running on the vast lawn.
I love living near the mountains.

Charlee goofing around.


Random May

Here are some random pictures from May.Charlee chose this picture of her giving Tommy a kiss.
Another pic of my babies.

Lynn sent flowers for Mothers Day.
I know, flowers within weeks of each other.

My Tommy Boy at 5 months old!!

Random April

Her are some random pictures of events that happened in April.Charlee drinking ranch dressing at Smash Burger.
A little fashion show that Charlee was in.
I will never have her do that again!!

Went home for a visit and Ree, Dan and I-ball were there.
They have so much fun together!

Jeff and Barbara had their third baby, a boy named Emmit.
Charlee picked out a toy and she decorated a bag to put it in.
I love her drawings.

It was also my birthday this month.
Lynn sent me flowers.
I was very suprised.
Do you know the last time he sent me flowers?
No? Well I don't either!


Charlee's Room

When we moved into this duplex, I loved everything except for Charlees room. It had this UGLY wall paper and gross blue trim. Now, some might like it and think it is fine, but that is not me, I HATE it. When we moved in the landlords asked us if we wanted them to redo the room. I told them no. Mostly because I didn't want to bother them with that and it was just going to be Charlees room. Well one day last fall, while pregnant with Tommy, I was chatting on the phone with my friend. I was pacing around in Charlees room when I noticed that some of the wall paper was coming away from the wall. So I pulled it and away came a long strip of the border. To late to turn back now, so I kept going. We figured we would just paint it. Lynn wasn't too happy, but oh well, what's done was done. Here are the before pictures:The landlord called this "neutral" wallpaper.
I think it is pretty girlie!! And UGLY.
The paint on the trim was really weird.
It was kind of rubbery.

We also painted this dresser (it was my moms when she was a kid) and
the red book shelf. The book shelf was also
put downstairs to make room for the crib.

Charlee's little bed. She slept in the room like this for a long time.
We didn't paint it until May.

Wallpaper is a pain in the Patooty!!! I don't know what would posses
anyone to put it up. It took a while to get it off but I got everylast dot of wall paper
off that wall. We wanted to do a really good job since our landlords didn't know
we were doing this in the first place.
They actually still don't know. I know that they won't be mad.
We saved tham a lot of work.
I haven't taken pictures yet of the redone room but I will soon.
I love their room now and can't wait to own a house of my own
so that I can do more stuff like this!
Hopefully I won't have to take any wall paper down!!!