
Baby Update

As of today I am 34 weeks along. This pregnancy has gone by very fast. Very, very fast. I still can't believe that I only have six weeks left. I know I have done it twice but I am starting to get scared to deliver again. It hurts like hell and you never know what is going to happen. So far things have been good. It is pretty much the sme as when I was pregnant with Tommy. I am on medication for high blood pressure and for Gestational diabetes and I have to check my blood four times a day. I still have regular doctor visits every 2 weeks. Then I started going to Maternal Fetal Medicine to have weekly non stress tests done. This coming monday will be the third one. So far everything has been looking good. I have asked if he will induce me again because that was really nice to know when I was going in, instead of having it be a suprise. I would much rather him break my water again (which did not hurt at all) than to have it happen in the middle of a store or something. My next Doctor visit is on Monday, Feb. 7th. I am just hoping that things still continue to go as smoothly as they have been.

Tommy Turns One

On December 28th, my little B-boy turned one. I still can't believe he is one already. We did not do much, just a small party with family. Grandma Strader, Erline, Charisse and Dan and their girls, Ireland and Eydra were there. We ate tacos and had some very yummy cupcakes from a place called So Cupcake in Salt Lake. They are really good!!!!! Then Tommy opend his presents. He had a lot of fun playing with the tissue paper. He has grown so much. He even mastered walking the week before his birthday and then mastered how

to go down the stairs a week later. That was nice. We were able to put the gates away!! They really can be a pain. He loves to jabber on and has the cutest wrinkeled up nose, squinty eyed, showing his big choppers, smile!! He is such a joy. He absolutly adores Charlee and they have a lot of fun together. She has been a really big help with him. He can wave bye or hi and he even tries to say hi when waving. He will wave and say "Haaa" He is going to be just as smart as his sister. So now to explain the tree.

I have a cousin who's daughter was born right after Christmas and for her birhtday they take down the ornaments off the tree and put up balloons. I always thought that was a great idea. (Thanks Stephanie.) So when I was preggo with Tommy, that is what I thought I would do. So the day after Christmas I took down all the crap off the tree and put up balloons and streamers and put bows on top of the tree and then I put his presents under neath. (Those are brown balloons, they look black.)
It definatly made it feel more like a

birthday and not Christmas, plus Charlee had fun helping me put it all up and Tommy loved to pull it all down. It was a great day!! I love him so much and so grateful he came to join our family!! To think that we thought that maybe Charlee would be our only one since it was not easy to get preggo the second time! Here he is after eating a red velvet cupcake. What a sweet boy!!!!


Photo By Emilie Santa Event 2010

Once again, the ever talented Emilie, took pictures of my babies. This year went much better than last year. Tommy was not yet born, but Charlee was scared to death. I don't know why, because he is the BEST santa ever!! (He is actually Emilies hubby!) Here are just 3 out of the pictures of the bunch. I loved them all, perfect or not!!!Tommy enjoying the sucker!!
That is my hand dressed up like Santa. All Tommy wanted to do was bite my finger.

This is my favorite one of Charlee with Santa.
I look forward to all of Emilie's holiday events. I can't wait for the Easter Event in April.


O Christmas Tree

Since I neglected to post any Christmas pictures in December or January, I need to play catch up. This was our tree this year. It was just right. Charlee had fun helping me put up the lights and ornaments and Tommy had fun trying to take them off. I can't wait for Christmas this year. It is my favorite holiday!!!