
No More Sweets :(

Four weeks ago I went in for my 20 week appointment. It was a normal visit. Blood pressure was good and the baby sounded great.
I went in yesterday for my 24 week appiontment. The baby sounds great and my blood pressure was good but he decided not to even do the glucose test because, more than likely, it will be positive and I probably have gestational diabetes. So I am to start the diet that I was on before with Tommy. No more sweets, or soda, or juice and little fruit and watching my carbs. Also checking my blood 4 times aday. I am not looking forward to this again. Especially because it is Christmas and we have been given so many goodies and candy, and I can't have any of it!!! I guess the positive is that I will loose weight again like I did with Tommy. So heres to starving!!!