
My Ranch Baby

This is a good example of what can happen when a child is left with a bowl of ranch dressing. I gave Char her lunch and continued with cleaning the kitchen. After a while she was being too quiet so I went to check on her and this is what I found. Good thing that she is sitting on a coffee table from a yard sale or I might have been angry.


Nat said...

Good thing she had no clothes on also. I am not Ranch Dressing would be easy to get out. I am just counting down the day until my son does something like that.

But how could you get to mad at this cute girl?

Katie said...

Hmm...ranch baby indeed. I went through the same thing yesterday with Parker excpect instead of ranch dressing, it was and orange and green marker. It was all over the couch, the tv, and Parker. :-) It's why God made kids cute...so you can't kill them! Luv ya!
