
Last Day

Today is my last full day being pregnant. I go in tomorrow morning to be induced. I am nervous to go through this again but so excited to meet my new little man. I am so glad that my mom was able to come again to help out. I wouldn't have her here if I didn't want her here. Lynn took these pictures yesterday before church. Tommy just wanted out of my arms to run. He loves it outside. Charlee just complained because she wanted pictures with Lynn. So it is not a very good picture but you can see how big I got. I definatly got bigger with this one that the other two. I will post pics of the babe as soon as I can!!!


37 Weeks and 2 Days

I had my doctors appointment yesterday and I am moving along nicely. 80% effaced, 3 cm dialated, ripe and ready. He decided to go ahead adn induce delivery because of the hypertention. Hooray!!! That made me very happy. So we go in at 7am on Tuesday, March 29th. That is just next week. I can't believe it. This prenancy went by really, really fast. I am just glad to have a date. Now I need to finish all the crap that needs done before I go to the hospital. Cleaning, pay bills, put away baby clothes, do grocery shopping, I'd like a haircut, Lots to do. Anyway, I am scared and excited an looking forward to seeing our third little one.


36 Weeks

I had a doctors appointment and Non stress test on Monday. The baby is head down in position, I am 70% effaced and 2cm dialated. I have been having small little contractions every now and then. Of course I may not go for another few weeks, but sooner would be nice. I am getting the nesting instinct already and really feel like getting this place ready for the babe.