Thomas Hunter was born on December 28th, 2009
at 12:35 pm, 8lbs 2 ozs,
21 inches long.
Everything went great. I was scheduled to go in at 6:45 am on the 28th to be induced. We arrived at 6:30. The nurse came in at about 7:30 to get stuff ready. She started Pitocin at 8:30. The doctor came in and broke my water at 8:45. When he left the room he said I could have an epidural whenever I wanted it and that he would be back around lunchtime to
Everything went great. I was scheduled to go in at 6:45 am on the 28th to be induced. We arrived at 6:30. The nurse came in at about 7:30 to get stuff ready. She started Pitocin at 8:30. The doctor came in and broke my water at 8:45. When he left the room he said I could have an epidural whenever I wanted it and that he would be back around lunchtime to
check on me. I had been having small contractions all night long, but about 45 minutes after he broke my water, the contractions were ALOT stronger. After having about 3 good contractions I called the nurse to let her know I was ready for drugs! I recieved an epidural at about 10. Ahhh, the epidural, what a wonderful invention! I sure wish I had had one with Charlee! I actually dialated pretty fast. Around 11:30, I felt alot of pressure, like I was ready to push. After a few of those I called the nurse to let her know. Sure enough I was at a 10 and ready to go. The doctor got there a little after noon and then it was time to push. After 8 minutes of pushing he decided to just do the episiotomy. (He was going to do one anyway to repair the episiotomy that didn't heal properly when I had Charlee.) One more push and he was out. Our son was finally here! He has been a very good baby and Charlee loves her baby "brudder".
Oh Shauna!!...He is so beautiful! His head is so little and round I just want to squeeze it! :)
adorable! welcome little nephew.
Welcome Thomas!
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