Charlee turned 4. What a crazy, smart girl she is at that!!
Charlee has the best memory. She will bring up things that happened when she was 2, or remember what we did at certain places. It is just amazing. She is also very smart. She has known her colors and shapes since she was 2 and at 2 and a half knew the alphabet song and knew the uppercase letters (in order and randomly) So now she knows the lowercase letters and we have been working on the sounds. She knows a lot of them already. She is also starting to write. She can copy all of the letters and knows how to write some from memory. She can write her name too. She also knows her numbers 1-20 (we are still kind of working on the teens). We are also working on math. She gets the concept of adding and subtraction and can do really simple addition and subtraction. She loves to draw and do crafts. She also has an awesome imagination. She loves Tommy and is such a big help to me and Lynn. I will be teaching her this year to get her even more ready for Kindergarten. The goal is to have her writing more and reading before she starts school. I totally think she will pick it up very fast. She has with everything else.
She is such a special little spirit and I love her so much. I look forward to her growing up even more!! (But I miss my baby!!)
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