
29 Weeks

Once again, another doctors appointment has come and gone yesterday. The baby sounds great. I am so grateful for that!!!! My blood pressure looked good and I have have done pretty good with the gestational diabetes. I also lost 8 pounds!!! (Just goes to show that just changing your eating habits, you can loose weight!) I have been able to keep my blood sugar levels under the numbers they told me to but the doctor said that they were still on the higher end and will only get higher in the upcoming weeks. So I was put on a medication that will help lower my blood sugar levels and I will be able to eat a bit more at meals because I need to be gaining weight not losing it! I still have to eat six times a day, watch what I eat and check my blood. I go back next Tuesday, so that he can see how my blood sugar levels are with the medication. The lady that draws my blood at Maternal Fetal Medicine for a study that I volunteered for, said that I will probably be coming to MFM more often for non stress tests and most likey another ultra sound to make sure the baby isn't getting too big. I can't even take Charlee with me anymore because of the whole Swine Flu crap, which I need to vaccinated for. I am thankful that my friend Paige is willing to watch Charlee. It will be nice when my mom is here because then she can watch Char at home. Only 10 and a half weeks, or less, to go. I am getting nervous and excited!!! (I am also dying for a fresh beverage right now. Preferably Dr. Pepper. I havn't had soda in a month!!)
Now for a couple of pictures of Char.
Charlee likes to wear different colors of socks and different shoes. Her Aunt Mindy would be proud!
My Pea Baby!
She is soooo excited about the arrival of Tommy!! But don't call him that, in front of Charlee. She'll say "That's not his name. His name is Thomas Hunter!"

1 comment:

charisse said...

Char looks older, she is still so cute. I glad to hear that things are going as well as they can. We are still thinking of you and praying for you! Have a great day!